El Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial en conjunto con el Instituto Sistemas «Complejos de Ingeniería», organiza un programa de seminarios con presentaciones de destacados investigadores. Los seminarios se realizan en el Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial (República 701).
Año 2013 | |||
Título | Expositor | Fecha | Lugar |
Self-Discrepancies and the Effect of Model Similarity on Advertising Outcomes
Learning in Combinatorial Optimization: How and What to Explore?
«Optimización Matemática: una herramienta para mejorar la interpretabilidad en Minería de Datos» |
Todd Pezzuti, Connie Pechmann (University of California, Irvine), Dante Pirouz (University of Western Ontario)
Denis Sauré
Emilio Carrizosa; Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Sevilla |
15 de octubre/ 13:30 14:00
14 de agosto/ 12:00 |
Sala 22 |
«Eficientando la Logistica Planta Puerto para una empresa Minera: un caso real de Consultoria» | Serge Tempel; Ingeniero Civil Industrial, Universidad de Chile, promoción 2001 y MBA, HEC School of Management. | 4 de Junio/ 10:15 | Sala 23 |
«Programación de Trabajos en Líneas de Producción» | M.Sc. Franco Basso; SolMat Consultores | 6 de Junio/ 10:15 | Sala 23 |
Año 2012 |
Título | Expositor | Fecha | Lugar |
“A branch-and-cut -and-price algorithm for the piecewise linear network flow problem” | Prof. Martine Labbé, Dèpartement d’ Informatique, Universitè Libre de Bruxelles. | 12 de diciembre | Sala 22 |
«Customization in Assortment Planning with Demand Learning» | Denis Sauré, Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering, Swanson School of Engineering, University of Pittsburgh. | 21 de noviembre | Sala 22 |
«The James Dean Effect: Inexpressive Body Language in Marketing» | Todd Pezzuti, Departamento de Ingenieria Industrial, Universidad de Chile | 7 de Noviembre | Sala 21 |
«Automatic plagiarism detection» | Dr. Paolo Rosso; Associate Professor Technical University of Valencia, Spain. | 22 de Agosto/ 16.15 – 17.45 hrs. | Sala 33 |
«Scheduling on airplanes processors» | José Verschae, Ph.D. TU Berlin y Post-Doc Universidad de Chile. | 8 de Agosto/ 12.00 – 13.00 hrs. | Sala 22 |
“Forbidding vertices from the 0-1 hypercube” | Gustavo Angulo, Ph.D. student in Operations Research at the Georgia Institute of Technology. | 1 de Agosto/12.00 y 13.30 hrs. | Sala 21 |
«Customer profiling and knowledge-based clustering in direct marketing: new approaches» | Alex Seret, PhD candidate of the department of Decision Sciences and Information Management of the faculty of Business and Economics at the KU Leuven (Belgium) | 6 de Junio/ 12.00 -13.30 hrs. | Sala 33 |
«Measuring the Performance of Large-Scale Combinatorial Auctions: A Structural Estimation Approach» | Marcelo Olivares, Académico Depto. Ingeniería Industrial | 2 de Mayo/ 12.00 -13.30 hrs. | Sala 22 |
«Quadratic combinatorial optimization models: why they are needed, and a few approaches to solve them» | Monique Guinard, OPIM Department, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA | 4 de Abril/ 12.00 -13.30 hrs. | Sala 31 |
«Mining Customer Data: Profit Based Classification Perfomance Measures and Networked Learning of Custormer» | Thomas Verbraken, PhD. Student at Katholieke Universitiet Leuven. | 28 de Marzo/ 12.00 – 13.30 hrs. | Sala 22 |
«Inventory Routing Problems» | Maria Grazia Speranza, Università di Brescia. | 14 de Marzo/ 12:00 -13:30 hrs. | Sala 31 |
«Optimization Problems in Transportation» | Maria Grazia Speranza, Università di Brescia. | 15 de Marzo/ 10:15 – 11:45 hrs. | Sala 23 |
«A Polyhedral Approach to Lot-Sizing Problems: 30 years on» | Laurence Wolsey, Université Catholique de Louvain. | 16 de Marzo/ 12:00 -13:30 hrs. | Sala 22 |
Año 2011 |
«On two optimization problems arising in logistics and transportation» | Martine Labbé; Computer Science Department, Université Libre de Bruxelles | 7 de Diciembre/ 11:45 | Sala 23 |
«Problema de recubrimiento de sólidos por esferas de diámetros diferentes» | Nelson Maculan; Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro COPPE |
29 de Julio/ 12:00 | Sala 21 |
«On the distance to a geometrical property. Problems and algorithmic approaches» | Emilio Carrizosa, Universidad de Sevilla | 15 de Junio/12:00 | Sala 21 |
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Sweeper Operation Evaluation | Maged Dessouky, Univeristy of Southern California | 25 de Mayo/12:00 | Sala 21 |
«Some Optimization Problems in Crossdocking» | Monique Guignard, OPIM Department, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. | 12 de Mayo/10:15 | Sala B-111 (Av. Blanco 2120) |
«Risk Management for mathematical optimization problems under uncertainty» | Lauraeno Escudero, Dpto. de Estadística e Investigación-Operativa, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Móstoles (Madrid, Spain). | 11 de Mayo/12:00 | Sala 22 |
«Modelos de Programación matemática para la Planificación del Flujo del Tráfico Aéreo» | Antonio Alonso, Profesor Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
Monique Guignard, OPIM Department, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. |
10 de Mayo/10:15 | Sala B-111 (Av. Blanco 2120) |
Setting up and managing real-world Data Mining case studies in industries: motivations and challenges. | Dr. Fazel Famili, PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan State University. | 19 de Enero/12:00 | Sala 22 |
Dual-based local search for the robust connected facility location problem | Gisela Bardossy, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland | 11 de Enero/12:00 | Sala 22 |
Año 2010 | |||
Análisis de complejidad y algoritmos para algunos problemas de recolección y entrega | Gerardo Berbeglia, Ph.D., HEC Montréal. | 28 de Diciembre/12:00 hrs. | Sala 22 |
Computational Criminology: Bridging Complex Systems & Modeling Sciences and Social Science of Criminology | Dr. Bryan Kinney, Assistant Professor, School of Criminology Simon Fraser University, Director, Institute for Canadian Urban Research. | 10 de Diciembre/ 12:00. | Sala 21 |
On a Connection Between Facility Location and Perfect Graphs. | Mourad Baiou, Researcher First Class at the National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS) | 7 de Diciembre/12:00
Sala 33 |
The Cost of Moral Hazard and Limited Liability in the Principal-Agent Problem | Nicolas Stier-Moses, Associate Professor, Columbia Business School | 17 de Noviembre/12:00 | Sala 22 |
Power Transmission Expansion under Uncertainty in Generation
Enzo Sauma, Assistant Professor Industrial and Systems Engineering Department Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. |
3 de Noviembre/12:00
Sala 22 |
Operations Research and Emergency Services Management. | Kenneth Chelst, Department Chair Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering | 27 de Octubre/12:00 | Sala 22 |
How can data mining help to understand what makes an optimization problem hard, which algorithm will perform best, and why? | Kate Smith-Miles, Professor School of Mathematical Sciences. Faculty of Science, Monash University.
22 de Octubre/12:00 | Sala 22 |
Equilibrium and learning in traffic network games | Roberto Cominetti,Académico Depto. Ingeniería Industrial | 8 de Septiembre/12:00 | Sala 22 |
Stochastic Sequencing of Surgeries for a Single Surgeon Operating in Parallel ORs | Camilo Mancilla , Ph.D en Lehigh University | 23 de Junio/ 12:00
Sala 33 |
An introduction to trajectory-based heuristics, with an application to vehicle routing problems | Michel Gendreau, CIRRELT and MAGI École Polytechnique de Montréal | 10 de Junio/ 10:15 | Sala 31 |
Insights from Decision Science to Help You Make Better Decisions | Ralph Keeney, Professor Duke University: The Fuqua School of Business | 1 de Junio/10:15 | Sala 31 |
Modeling Methods for the Improvement of Rail Freight Transport
Maged M. Dessouky, Professor Daniel J. Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Southern California | 19 de Mayo/12:00 | Sala 33 |
A Probabilistic Lexicographic Model
Ricardo Montoya, Académico Depto de Ingeniería Industrial | 5 de Mayo/12:00 | Sala 33 |
Modelos y Algoritmos para Optimizacion Combinatorial con Incertidumbre | Alfredo Candia, Profesor Asistente, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Talca | 21 de Abril/12:00 | Sala 33 |
Cuarenta años de investigación de operaciones en el área forestal | Andrés Weintraub; Profesor Titular, Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial | 15 de Abril/13:30 | Sala 211 |
When Demand Projections Are Too Optimistic: A Structural Model Of Product Line And Pricing Decisions | Andrés Musalem, Assistant Professor of Marketing, Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business | 7 de Abril/16:15 | Sala 22 |
«Operational Research Applications in Forest and Wildland Fire Management» | David L. Martell, Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto
24 de Marzo/ 12:00 | Sala 33 |
«Toma de Decisiones con Criterios Múltiples: Fundamentos Técnicos y Aplicaciones» | Carlos Romero, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. | 23 de Marzo/10:15 | Sala 31 |
«Shape-Constrained Optimization» | David Papp, Ph.D. candidate in Operations Research, Rutgers University, NJ. | 20 de Enero/ 12:30 | Sala 33 |
«Hydro-thermal Scheduling in the Modern World« | Steffen Rebennack, PhD Candidate, Industrial & Systems Engineering.
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida |
27 de Enero/12:00 | Sala 33 |
Año 2009 | |||
«Value Chain Optimization in the Canadian Forest Product Industry» | Sophie D’Amours, Professor, Industrial Engineering, Université Laval, Québec, Canada | ||
«Optimal Strain Selection for Annual Influenza Vaccine« | Oleg Alexandrovich Prokopyev, University of Pittsburgh | ||
«Managing a fixed-income portfolio» | Roger J-B Wets, EpiRisk Research and U. California, Davis. | ||
«Overcoming Spreadsheet Risk in Supply Chain Modeling» | Larry J. LeBlanc, Professor of Operations Management Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University | ||
«Services Information and Analytics at IBM India Research» | Raghuram Krishnapuram, IBM India Research Laboratory | ||
IPM warmstarts for single coefficient perturbation on the right hand side | Fernando Ordoñez, Académico Depto. Ingeniería Industrial, U. de Chile | ||
«Precios Justos en el Transporte Naviero» | Marcos Singer, Académico y Director de Investigación EA Universidad Católica de Chile | ||
«Pricing with Markups in Industries with Increasing Marginal Costs» | Nicolas Stier, Associate Professor at the Decision, Risk and Operations Division of Columbia Business School. | ||
«Strong Formulation for the SPOT-5 Daily Photograph Scheduling Problem» | Miguel Constantino, Académico Facultade de Ciencias da Universidade Lisboa, Portugal | ||
«Modelo de optimización para la logística de Kimberly-Clark Corporation: solución ganadora de KCC-ALIO Optimization Contest». | Daniel Espinoza, Académico DII. Gustavo Angulo, Diego Morán y Rodrigo López, Tesistas Magíster en Gestión de Operaciones. | ||
«Location of airline hubs in competitive settings»? | Vladimir Marianov, Académico U. Católica de Chile. | ||
«Modelo Conjunto Localización-Distribución Óptima de Plantas y Centros de Distribución de Embotelladora Andina: Franquicia Coca-Cola en Santiago de Chile» | Rodrigo Garrido, Académico U. Católica de Chile. | ||
«Towards the Integration of Game Theory and Operations Research to Understand Freight System Dynamics» | José Holguín-Veras, Ph.D., P.E. Professor, Resselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, New York. | ||
«Progressive Hedging for Multi-Stage, Stochastic Logistics Problems» | David L. Woodruff, Graduate School of Management, University of California Davis | ||
«Exploiting non-data Information in Statistical Estimation» | Roger J-B Wets, University of California, Davis, CA | ||
«An Introduction to Stochastic Integrals»,«Propagation of photons in a scattering media and the inverse problem for the Fokker-Planck equation» | Matias Courdurier, Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics, Columbia University | ||
Año 2008 | |||
«Appointment Scheduling with Discrete Random Durations». | Maurice Queyranne, University of British Columbia | 18 de Noviembre | |
«Can formal languages be usefull in OR?. The case of the shift scheduling problem». | Louis – Martin Rousseau, Mathématiques et Génie Industriel École Polytechnique de Montréal | 12 de Noviembre
«La Lógica Difusa Compensatoria. Una racionalidad semántica y transdisciplinaria sin rupturas con la racionalidad clásica, como base para una nueva inteligencia empresarial» | Dr. Rafael Alejandro Espín Andrade
«Models and Algorithms for Stackelberg Games with Incomplete Information» | Fernando Ordoñez, Académico Depto. Ingeniería Industrial, U. de Chile | 9 de Abril
«Reformulations and Solution Algorithms for the Max Leaf Spanning Tree Problem» | Abilio Lucena, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
26 de Marzo
«Primal and convex hull relaxations for nonlinear integer programming problems» | Monique Guignard, OPIM Department, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania | 19 de Marzo | |
«Optimizing Department of Homeland Security Defense Investments: Applying Defender-Attacker (-Defender) Optimization To Terror Risk Assessment and Mitigation» | Gerald G. Brown, Operations Research Department Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey
24 de Enero
«Multi-classifier systems for Bioinformatics problems» | Prof. Vasile Palade, Computing Laboratory, The University of Oxford, UK | 9 de Enero
Año 2007 | |||
«Models and algorithms for traffic engineering in IP networks» | Andreas Bley, Department of Optimization Zuse Institute Berlin. | ||
«Courier delivery in the presence of uncertainty» | Fernando Ordoñez, Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Southern California | ||
«Cost allocation in collaborative forest transportation» | Mikael Rönnqvist, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration | ||
«Agent based simulation of softwood lumber supply chain» | Sophie D’Amours, Département de génie mécanique, Université Laval | ||
«Planning Patient Transports in Hospitals» | Stefan Nickel, Full Professor (Chair) for Operations Research and Logistics, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Saarbrücken, Germany; Scientific Advisory Board / Management Board, Fraunhofer ITWM (Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics). | ||
«The Fraunhofer Insitute for Applied Mathematics (ITWM)» | Stefan Nickel, Full Professor (Chair) for Operations Research and Logistics, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Saarbrücken, Germany; Scientific Advisory Board / Management Board, Fraunhofer ITWM (Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics). | ||
«Supply chain planning for the forest product industry – OR challenges» | Sophie D’Amours, Département de génie mécanique, Université Laval. | ||
«On the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem» | Ricardo Fukasawa, Georgia Institute of Technology. | ||
«Synchronized vehicle routing» | Mikael Ronnqvist, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration. | ||
«Optimizing The Transition from Surface to Underground Mining» | Alexandra Newman, Colorado School of Mines. | ||
«Inventory Lot Sizing with Supplier Selection» | Chuda Basnet, Department of Management Systems, University of Waikato, New Zealand. | ||
«Architectural Evolution, Functional Emergence and Diversification in Engineering Systems» | Carlos A. Osorio, PhD in Engineering Systems (MIT). | ||
«Relaxations and linearizations in nonlinear integer programming and application to several quadratic assignment problems» | Monique Guignard, University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School. |